Teaching of s.st
Social Science is a compulsory subject up to secondary stage of school education. It is an integral component of general education because it helps the learners in understanding the environment in its totality and developing a broader perspective and an empirical, reasonable and humane outlook.

School management
School management is an important part of any educational system. School authorities all over the world are continuously engaged in numerous activities to efficiently manage school functions and provide a better educational experience to students. However, managing school affairs is not at all easy in this fast growing world.

The Learner Nature And Development
Learning makes us human beings different from animals who are trained and not taught. Parents enroll their children in school to learn. They want their child to have a good education. Sometimes words education and learning are used interchangeably. Learning develops the cognitive ability of the learner.

Philosophical, Sociological and Political Perspective
philosophical and sociological perspectives: basic assumptions about human nature, knowledge and learning